Do you know someone who could use the gift of flowers this Valentine's Day? Give us a call, send us an email, let us know a little bit about them, and we'll send flowers to the first 10 people who respond. Because we think everyone needs a Valentine.
Read on if you want to hear more about why we started this practice.
It was 1999, widowed and alone, I found solace in poetry in those quiet times. Around Valentine's Day I received the attention of a long time friend. It was then that I wrote the following poem.
Last year I had no valentine,
But a gracious man stepped up,
Suggesting he could play the role,
If I were so inclined.
The broken heart I had then
Was ready for a mend
And so I told this kindly gent
"My valentine's a friend."
Since then the friendship's grown
With some direction from above
For now this man is more than friend
He's someone that I love.