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22 West Main St., New Freedom, PA

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Traveling Bouquet

The dog days of summer have arrived. In an effort to keep our marketing skills honed, and spread a little kindness at the same time, we are launching a Traveling Bouquet program. Every week we will deliver a bouquet to a business, nursing home, senior center, police station, fire department or the like, wherever there is a mix of people. Attached to the bouquet is a note that says: "This is a Traveling Kindness Bouquet. Please enjoy these flowers for the day, then pass them on to someone else who could use a little joy, along with this note. See how spreading a little sunshine improves their day, and yours!" The idea is that everyone can use a little pick-me-up now and then, especially during these long, hot summer days, when they can't get outside and enjoy the sunshine.
Our first bouquet was delivered today to Accolades, a local nursing home, where two ladies are going to share the arrangement for the first two days. After that, who knows? It could get passed to another resident, to one of the nurses or go home with someone's relative. The good thing is that some cheer is being spread around. And it makes us feel good to know that we had something to do with it. Here is a picture of Lois and Treva at Accolades. It was hard getting them to smile. ; -)